Hi, I am Vukan { V. }

front-end dev

Portrait picture

What I do

Design & Development

Any design – any website. Implementation from scratch or onto existing code.


Planning and integrating new solutions or customizing an existent one.

my projects

Who I am

Designer & Developer based in Hamburg, DE.

Hi, I'm Vukan – an aspiring full-stack developer. I love creating: whether it's code, processes, objects, routines, thoughts or even landscapes; as well as practising being a good and humble person. Currently I am sharpening my MERN-stack toolkit or making coffee.

I like to fiddle and tinker with new and 'old' technologies alike and would call myself a curios kid. Furthermore, I try to learn everyday, from everybody, in every situation – as much as I can.

Picture of a human.
html5 logo
css3 logo
javaScript logo
nodejs logo
react logo
express logo
mongoDB logo
sass logo
tailwindcss logo
typescript logo
python logo
bash logo
git logo
vim logo

My projects


picture of a website

Children's dice game.

picture of a website
25+5 clock

Pomodoro clock written in react.

picture of a website
Stoic Quote Generator

Fetching a stoic quote with react.

picture of a website
Markdown Previewer

A live interactable markdown previewer/editor.

picture of a website
Drum Machine

(Bad) drum machine written in react.

picture of a website
Simple Calculator

A very simple calculator written in react.
